Cofely district heating and cooling network services
Cofely Services is a French company, a subsidiary of the Energy GDF-Suez services, specializing in providing services in energy and environmental efficiency. The company offers its services throughout the entire energy chain such as in design, installation, operation and services.
The brand Cofely Services was created in France in 2012 by its parent company Cofely, which was itself created in 2009 through the consolidation of Cofathec (ex-GDF) and Elyo (formerly Suez).
Cofely Services works with the collective housing, tertiary, industrial and habitat sectors from four different perspectives:
• Improving the energy efficiency of buildings
Cofely Services supports its clients in the energy optimization of their buildings, in the diagnostic and audit processes, in the design and execution of projects, in the control of energy performance and in creating energy awareness through the use of eco-gestures.
• Energy and environmental performance of companies
Cofely helps manufacturers to control and optimize their energy costs by improving the equipment or supply contracts via an energy audit process. This audit helps to optimize the energy mix, to identify areas for improvement or to help customers to benefit from a financing plan.
• Production, operation and distribution of local and renewable energy
Cofely Services helps its customers in the integration of renewable energy in their energy expenditure. Cofely works to optimize energy expenditure through solutions such as cogeneration, biomass, solar installations, etc. The company also helps cities develop urban heating and cooling networks to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases. Cofely manages 116 networks and has therefore contributed to the emergence of eco-districts.
• Facility Management services
Cofely’s customers benefit from their expertise in energy efficiency and environmental impact by intervening in the overall performance level of services for buildings and their occupants. This means contributing towards reducing the environmental footprint of buildings and optimizing the use of buildings by acting as sole interlocutor on all issues, from energy management to optimizing energy performance and also client contracts.
Cofely services in numbers
In 2014, the key figures to note were:
• € 2.5-billion-euro turnover
• 12,000 staff in 50 agencies
• 60,000 exploited sites, 120 heating and cooling networks, 310 biomass boilers, 100 cogeneration plants
Cofely estimated that they have generated savings of 1.6 million metric tons of CO2 per year in 15 000 facilities by monitoring their energy performance.
In addition to being a major player in the energy efficiency sector, Cofely have taken internal initiatives to reduce its own environmental impact: they are gradually supplying their technicians with tactile tablets to facilitate administrative procedures and move towards the total abolition of paper.