Dalkia, the French firm and EDF subsidiary, is making inroads into England, as evidenced by the company’s announcement on Tuesday, July the 19th, that they had won a tender for the design, construction and operation of a new plant and a new heating and cooling network which will serve a north London hospital.

Chase Farm Hospital
Chase Farm Hospital is being renovated and will open in 2018, offering many services including, among others, casualty, surgery, postoperative care, maternity wards and geriatric medicine.
Dalkia will be assisted in the project by its partner EDF Energy, the leading producer of low carbon electricity in the UK, in the drive to successfully carry out its mission well into the next fifteen years.
Jerome Ladrière, the International Director of Dalkia, stressed the importance of the green nature of the project, saying:
This biomass boiler perfectly fulfills the objectives of the transformation of the existing heat network, which was created in 1973. This boiler will cater for 33% of the energy needs of the residents more while eliminating CO2 emissions and reducing energy costs for users. This boiler perfectly illustrates the commitment of the city towards high-performance equipment and high environmental quality.
At the time of going to press, no further information had been provided about the project itself, other than announcing that the tender had been won. This is not an unusual situation as Dalkia rarely communicate on projects that are still in an embryonic state. What can be said for sure is that the successful tender would strongly indicate that one of the EDF Group’s principal objectives is to strengthen its presence on the international scene. The Chase Farm Hospital project is therefore possibly just the first as Dalkia and the EDF look to tap into the UK market.
We will bring you further updates on the project as details are released.