Impact PPA, as part of a partnership agreement with the Green Earth Day Network, will install hybrid systems to provide power to the Edna Adan Hospital, a gospital located in Hargeisa, the second largest city of Somalia and also the ...
Browsing the Top News
DiCaprio announces his support for Kingo
The prominent actor and environmentalist Leonardo DiCaprio has announced his backing for Kingo, an off-grid energy specialist, as part of a permanent drive to increase energy sufficiency and cope with climate change. The Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation supports numerous projects ...
Cardiff announces plans for new district heating network
A new waste recovery system for the city of Cardiff has just been installed and could soon be used to heat public and commercial buildings with a district heating network. The new project is a 30 MW waste recovery and ...
Bayer celebrates the success of its cogeneration project
Bayer, the German pharmaceutical, chemical and life sciences industrial giant, has announced its satisfaction at the results of the almost perfect match of cogeneration with its chemical operations. This publicly declared satisfaction is the result of the success of Currenta, ...
Thibaud Rousselle: The CSTB is monitoring network failures
At the Scientific and Technical Centre for Building (CSTB), Thibaud Rousselle is responsible for the only French certification governing the quality of heating networks. What is the role of the CSTB? The Scientific and Technical Centre for Building is ...
New heating network in Bordeaux
A project for a new district heating network in Bordeaux has just been given the go ahead by the local Bordeaux Métropole authority. The recently-approved project will see the creation of a geothermal heating network in the Plaine Rive Droite, ...
Denmark’s biggest coal plant turns to biomass
Denmark continues its energy transition smoothly by converting its largest coal-fired power plant to biomass. The cogeneration plant, located in Avedore, just south of Copenhagen, has its coal replaced by wood pellets and straw, and the heat produced is pumped ...
Washington: First steps towards a microgrid
The city of Washington, DC, in the United States, seems to be increasingly set to take the plunge and move towards the installation of a microgrid, an intelligent electricity grid designed to bring energy production sites closer to consumer sites. ...
EU signs off on German CHP aid
The European Commission has concluded an investigation into potential state aid for German combined heat and power and found that the support improves the integration of cogeneration into the electricity market and is in line with EU state aid rules. ...
UK-wide heating network investment scheme launched
The Association for Decentralised Energy today welcomed the launch of the £39m Pilot Scheme of the Heat Networks Investment Project. The investment aims to increase the number of cost effective, low carbon heat networks being built, while creating the right ...